Letting go of what happened in the past will help create new opportunities for you. The kind of opportunities that are impossible to notice while entertaining your pain. It does not matter what you have been through. It does not matter how many times you have fallen because there is always a way of bouncing back up. It all starts in your head. It starts and ends with the kind of thoughts you entertain. If you constantly dwell on your unfortunate past and the scars you are left with you will miss out on the good things that are waiting to happen to you.

Renewal begins with making the decision that you are going to be renewed. It begins with realizing that the kind of transformation needed will only come to life when you guard your thoughts. Stop entertaining negative thoughts. Get rid of the kind of thinking that leaves you feeling worse than you are. Shun thoughts that make you feel inferior, leave you upset about what happened to you in the past, and thoughts that add salt to a healing wound.

Start dwelling on thoughts that will act as a shield against the pain you have been through. Entertain the kind of thinking that makes you want to forgive more, forget more, and love more. You are the only person who can heal your mind and heart from the painful experiences you’ve had. That is because you are the only person who truly understands the hurting you are going through. Promise yourself that your scars will heal and start doing what you need to do to ensure healing.

Positive Thoughts Can Help With The Healing Process

Thinking happy thoughts that are both positive and productive can help with the healing process. Your heart, body, and soul can receive healing if you decide to live a life centered on thinking positively. Find strength by developing a healthy thought process. Instead of thinking of why the most important business deal failed to go through, start thinking about ways of improving your services and marketing skills to land a better deal.

Instead of worrying about why you failed to graduate when your dream job depended on it, start thinking of creative ways to earn money while giving yourself yet another shot at graduating. Once you choose to focus on something else while working on your main goal on the side, disappointments will not weigh in on you as much as they presently are.

Here are Five Proven Examples Of Thought Patterns That Lead To Healing

  1. Thoughts of transformation or change.

You can only start experiencing renewal or change by making the choice that you are going to change. Dwelling on thoughts of transformation and imagining yourself as the kind of person you wish to transform into will assist with the healing process.

  1. Thoughts of becoming who you are meant to be.

Replace thoughts such as “I will never be able to get over it” with “the pain that I am experiencing will soon be over because I am still standing.” Speak renewal to your soul. Meditate, and renew your thought process. Do whatever you need to do to train your mind to block out negative thoughts that bring painful memories and start entertaining happy thoughts.

  1. Thoughts of letting go of your past.

 As simple as this may sound, thinking about letting go of your painful experience is an important step of letting go of the hurt that is inside you. It is the first step towards healing and it is the only step that will give you enough confidence to start letting go.

  1. Thoughts of offering forgiveness.

Being able to forgive where you have been wronged is a sign of strength and not of weakness. It is the only way you can have a distinct picture of who you can become. If the person who has wronged you is not making it easy for you to forgive them, forgive them anyway. If they are not apologizing for the damage caused, forgive them anyway for it is through forgiveness that we find inner peace. The kind of peace that becomes apparent on the outside once it occurs on the inside.

  1. Thoughts of forgiving yourself.

 If you are failing to forgive yourself for the mistakes you have made in the past you can never find peace. Concentrating on the regrets you have will not help you with the healing process. It is when you let go of your past that you will be able to go after your future.