Identify what you want to Manifest in your Life

When it comes to identifying what you want in your life and creating a plan to get it, you might find yourself feeling frustrated, anxious, and even a little depressed. After all, the process of figuring out what we truly want often requires us to think outside of our comfort zones and challenge our old beliefs about what’s important in our lives.

Fortunately, this process doesn’t have to be painful or difficult. There are plenty of simple strategies that can make the process less overwhelming and more supportive. If you believe in the Law of Attraction, following the tips in this chapter will help you align with what you truly want in your life so that you can attract it into your reality faster than before.

Start by Identifying what you Don’t Want

As we mentioned above, the process of identifying what you truly want in your life can be a bit difficult. This is because you might be holding on to limiting beliefs about who you are or what’s possible that are keeping you from getting what you want.

When you can identify what you don’t want in your life, you can more easily identify what you do want. How do you do this? It’s a lot easier than you may think and just requires you to take an inward look at your life.

Simply consider what you don’t like about your current life situation, what your old beliefs are that might be keeping you from getting what you want, and what new beliefs you can hold that will help you break free from the old way of thinking.

Assess what’s Working in your Life Right Now

If you’re trying to identify what you want in your life, it is a good idea to start by identifying what you do have – right now. This will help you see that you have plenty of things in your life that you don’t have to wish for or chase after.

Think about the things that you already have that you don’t even realize are amazing – like your health, family, friends, your home and job, or your daily routine. Once you’ve identified what you do have, you can then assess what is working in your life right now that you want to keep and identify areas where you want to improve.

Perhaps you want to become a better employee, achieve a higher level of income, find a new job, or learn a new skill. Identify the areas of your life where you want to make improvements and choose the one that you feel the most strongly about.

Talk about what you Want to See

Another way to identify what you want in your life is to start talking about it. Instead of keeping your desires bottled up inside of you and feeling frustrated, confused, and alone, identify what you want and talk about it with your friends, family, or an online community.

When you start to discuss what you want with others, you’ll immediately find that you’re receiving more support than you ever could have on your own. Moreover, the more that you talk about what you want in your life, the more it will start to become real for you.

You might not have realized it before, but what you want is probably something that you’ve been wanting your whole life! Talking to others may also provide you with new ideas about what you want which can help you.

Ask yourself What you Want

One of the best ways that you need to keep in mind when it comes to identifying what you want in your life is to ask yourself what you want, not why you don’t have it yet. While it’s important to consider why you don’t have what you want in your life, this is usually a red herring that will lead to frustration and more anxiety.

Instead, focus on what you want, how you want to feel, and what you want to create in your life. From there, you’ll be able to identify exactly what you need to bring into your life. This is a proven technique that will work for you.

Be Clear on how you want to Feel

The last thing that you need to do before identifying what you want in your life is to be clear on how you want to feel. By creating a vision board or journal where you list out what you want to see in your life, and how you want to feel, you can create a physical manifestation of your desires.

Now, when you look at your journal or vision board, you’ll be able to identify what you have and what you want, as well as what you need to get done. This is a very inspiring technique that you can use to make the identification process easier and faster.

Find what you are Worth

Before you can identify what you want in your life, you need to know what you’re worth. This will help you identify how valuable you are to other people and how much money you deserve. Once you know what you’re worth, you can use this information to identify ways to get more money in your life.

For example, do you want to earn more money? Then, identify ways in which you can improve your skills and help you grow professionally. Maybe you want to find a new job that pays more, or perhaps you will create an online side hustle that you can develop into a very profitable full-time business.

Believe that things are Possible

Once you’ve identified what you don’t want in your life and assessed what’s working in your life right now, you can begin to focus on identifying what you do want in your life. The first thing to do is to tell yourself and others what you want – in a positive way that inspires you and gets your blood pumping.

By doing this, you can help to shift your beliefs about what’s possible. You just need to take a closer look at what you’ve been wanting to discover what it is that you want in your life. Belief is everything – you need to develop an unshakable belief that you can manifest what you dream about.

Set SMART Goals

The Law of Attraction is a powerful law that has been used for thousands of years to create abundance in our lives. It can be used to identify what you want, as well as how you want to get it. This is especially helpful if you’ve been trying to manifest your dreams without success.

One of the most important things that you need to do when it comes to manifesting your dreams is to set SMART goals. This simply means that your goals should be:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic
  • Time-bound

Stay Focused and Hold on Tight to your Goals

Once you’ve identified what you want in your life, you can use your new desires as motivation to help you become the person that you want to be. This means that you can use your new desires as a driving force to help you make positive changes in your life such as changing your job, upgrading your home, or working towards your next goal.

The more that you use your desires as motivation to help you become the person you want to be, the more likely it is that you’ll start seeing your desires come true. All of these techniques are proven to help you identify what you want to manifest so take action right now and use them.

In the next video, we will discuss common manifestation mistakes that you need to avoid…