Bishop Jenny Dickason

Meet Bishop Jenny Dickason, the Chairperson for the Educational Outreach of the Madonna Interfaith Community. Jenny and her family live in the beautiful and spiritual state of Arizona. She was ordained as a minister of the Madonna Ministries International in September of 2003. She is now consecrated as a Bishop which affords her the opportunity to ordain newcomers, perform ceremonies such as weddings, baby blessings. house blessings, celebrations of life and others.
Jenny brings a bright light and years of diversity to her current position as Chair of the Education Committee. She has an extensive background in marketing and public relations. She loves to plan and coordinate events. She is also a wonderful chef, hypnotherapist, and vocalist. Add to that list of doings, her involvement with the WILD (Wonderful, Intelligent, Loving and Divine) Women Network and what is the result?? The result is a great heart full of amazing ideas and leadership skills. with which to create and implement wonderful educational opportunities for our followers as well as our clergy members.
“As Chair of the Education Committee, I encourage you to look through our offerings on the web site! We are constantly updating our curriculum and you can find interesting and informative subject matter no matter what your level of knowledge may be!
I love being a part of the Madonna Interfaith Community and I look forward to many more years of making new friends and bringing quality people into the Community and the Ministry. “
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