You are the Madonna Interfaith Community!!
As a member of the Madonna Interfaith Community you belong to something very special–a group of eclectic souls guided by the Divine Feminine in all her forms to grow in spirit and to serve. By coming together at our conferences, online services, and book discussions, you affirm your belief in our community, integrity, fellowship, and service to others.
We are making it easy to find just what you are looking for!
Clergy Dues
Standard Membership Dues Program: When you pay the annual $75.00 dues, you support our amazing community, website development, our educational and outreach programs, and the minimal operating expenses for the community.
Annual dues are payable between January 1st and May 31st of the current year. After May 31st, a $25 late fee will be charged. Clergy Members will be reminded via our Newsletter late in the year for the following year.
Non-payment of dues or loss of contact for two years will result in your removal from our roles and the termination of your sacramental privileges. In other words, you will not be able to use your Madonna Ministry ordination to perform weddings, baptisms, end of life ceremonies, and others.
The good news is we are currently offering an amnesty program. If non-payment has put you two years in arrears, and this is the first time you are in arrears for two years, pay $125.00, by June 1st and, and we will reinstate you through the current year. If you are two years or more in arrears, contact us, and we’ll discuss ways for you to return to the clergy family.
To Pay by Check or Money order made payable to Madonna Ministry International
Send to:
Madonna Ministry International dba Madonna Interfaith Community
C/o Niki Faldemolaei
5666 La Jolla Blvd #200
La Jolla CA 92037
To Pay using PayPal or Credit Card use the Button below which will take you to our PayPal Merchant account. If you need to pay with another method use the donations or love donations buttons below.
Donations & Matching Funds
We now accept cryptocurrency! We are grateful for your donations: Donate Crypto
We are a community of service and there is no greater love than serving others. Each of us has a spark of the divine to share with others-be it a kind word, a loving presence, a meal, or other donation. Give of yourself generously.
Madonna Interfaith Community offers a variety of opportunities to donate, over and above the annual dues, to the Ministry directly and the Ministerial Outreach. It is important to note that 100% of your donation is applied directly to the category you have indicated. The only exception is if you do not designate a preference, your donation will be applied to the General Operating Fund to defray the administrative costs of maintaining our web presence.
Matching Funds Challenges: From time to time, clergy members will offer a Matching Funds Challenge for a certain period of time offering to match donated funds over a specific time period. Watch our newsletter for those opportunities.
Following is a brief description of the funds we currently have in place:
Sommer Family Humanitarian Fund: Through the Sommer Family Humanitarian Fund your donation will be combined with other Sommer Fund donations and awarded to recipients chosen quarterly by the Sommer Fund Committee. Did you know you can support our beautiful community each time you use purchase on Amazon by choosing smile.amazon.com/ch/
General Operating Fund: You may also choose to support the General Operating Fund Project, which is currently the ongoing Development of our main informational website, social media accounts and our Clergy Directory.
Clergy Dues and Conference Scholarship Fund: This scholarship fund supports our clergy members who need help with paying clergy dues. It also is a program that provides partial financial assistance with conference fees and/or travel or lodging expense to a clergy member who otherwise would not be able to attend.
Clergy Emergency Fund:
This is a donation opportunity to support active clergy members who have a financial crisis in their lives. It could be the result of job loss or illness. It happens to the best of us. To be supportive of our sisters and brothers in hard times is a blessing to all concerned.
To Pay by Check or Money order made payable to Madonna Ministry International
Send to:
Madonna Ministry International dba Madonna Interfaith Community
C/o Niki Faldemolaei
5666 La Jolla Blvd #200
La Jolla CA 92037
General tithes, tax deductible donations, pay by Venmo, Zelle, PayPal, credit card, cryptocurrency, stocks or other Daff transfers:
Love Offerings
Love offerings differ from Donations in that they specifically are gratitude offerings from those attending on-line gatherings and discussions led by Madonna Ministers. Here are the current opportunities to mix, mingle and learn with our clergy members. Funds are used to defray the cost of our ZOOM conference room and Educational Outreach expenses.
Sunday Service and Meditation: Every Sunday morning guest speakers or one of the Madonna Ministers will lead a short fellowship ZOOM gathering, discussion and guided meditation. An optional small love offering for your participation is greatly appreciated. As with all our outreach events, you do not have to be a Madonna Minister to attend. Subscribe to he mail list here https://madonnaministry.us14.
Charlie’s Book Club Discussions: From time to time, Bishop Charlie Sommer or one of our other clergy members runs across an inspirational book which is worthy of sharing and discussing. An optional small love offering is a great way to support this ZOOM experience.
Prayer Request Love Offering: The Madonna Interfaith Community has an ongoing Prayer Request Program for those who have need for spiritual support for themselves or loved ones. If you choose to do so, you may submit a small love offering with your request below.
To Pay by Check or Money order made payable to Madonna Ministry International
Send to:
Madonna Ministry International dba Madonna Interfaith Community
C/o Niki Faldemolaei
5666 La Jolla Blvd #200
La Jolla CA 92037
General tithes, tax deductible donations, pay by Venmo, Zelle, PayPal, credit card, cryptocurrency, stocks or other Daff transfers: